How does film figure into your life?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A word on Rolling Stone magazine and its site: sure, the bigger musical side of it is well worth ignoring totally (anyone who can make a list of 100 best musicians of all time and include Eminem while leaving out Beethoven clearly has their definition of "all time" taken from a 12-year-old girl), I would like to take some time to talk about the site's movie reviewer Peter Travers, who is quickly becoming one of my favorite people ever. Even when we disagree (hate towards Deathly Hallows Part 1? Blasphemy!) I still love reading and watching his movie reviews: the man is funny, honest, and fully willing to disregard pre-judgement in favor of career turnarounds. He's the Yoda to Korey Coleman's Obi-Wan. Don't die anytime soon, Mr. Travers.

1 comment:

  1. How different would the world be if everyone could be honest about their opinions and their feelings? It is not necessary for everyone to agree and it is impossible to make everyone happy, so say what you really mean.
